Sökresultat för Johannes schefferus - Vad är den värd


Sökresultat för Johannes schefferus - Vad är den värd

- ISSN 0349-1706. ; 1982 (3:1-2 Johannes Schefferus – Joannis Schefferi Argentoratensis Lapponia Id est, Regionis Lapponum et gentis nova et verissima descriptio. In qua multa De origine, superstitione, sacris magicis, victu, cultu, negotiis Lapponum, item Animalium, metallorumque indole, quæ in terris eorum proveniunt, hactenus incognita Produntur, & eiconibus adjectis cum cura illustrantur. Lapponia was published in Frankfurt am Main in 1673, in Latin. It consisted of thirty-five chapters, with illustrations drawn by Schefferus himself, on all aspects of Sami life.

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Lapponia fra 1673 forble standardverket om samene inntil Knud Leem (1697–1774) fikk publisert sitt storverk Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper i 1767. Selv om Johannes Schefferus tilstrebet en kritisk saklighet i framstillingen, fungerte Lapponia til å befeste foreliggende forestillinger om samisk magi. Even though Johannes Schefferus’ Lapponia (1673) is a frequently employed source in historical studies on the Sámi people of Fennoscandia, the book’s history and the rich reception it aroused early on has never been studied in detail. Written in Uppsala, it was published in Latin for an international learned readership. Schefferus’s Lapponia 139 the questions sent out to Lutheran ministers in Sápmi included que-ries about the Sámi’s origin, their language, food, customs, traditions, animals, and landscape.

ISNI : ISNI Lapponia (1673).

Olaus Sirma - Sánit girdilit Sveriges Radio

Språk:. Dutch translation of Lapponia (1673), the first scientific monograph about Sámi culture and written by the Swedish-German scholar Johannes Schefferus at the  Although the boundary between Saami and Finns was rather fluid in Lapponia, Schefferus introduced the idea to Swedish historiography that there was a  7 Jun 2012 II. One of the philologists invited to Sweden by Christina was the young Johannes Schefferus of Strasburg, who'd arrived in 1648 to take up a  Lapponia is a book written by Johannes Schefferus (1621 - 1679) covering a very comprehensive history of Northern Scandinavia topology, environment and  1 Schefferus, Johannes, f 2 febr 1621 i Strassburg (nu Strasbourg), S:t Thomas Det utomlands mest uppmärksammade arbetet var emellertid Lapponia, utgivet  Stamp: Reindeer and Sledge (woodcut from Lapponia) (Sweden) (Centenary of Lapponia (book by J. Schefferus)) Mi:SE 760,Sn:SE 751B,Yt:SE 739,Sg:SE 699  Stockholms Auktionsverk Online 429099. SCHEFFERUS' LAPPONIA. SCHEFFERUS, JOHANNES.

Schefferus lapponia

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Schefferus lapponia

1956. 0 Reviews  Lapponia : människor och renar. av Sassi, Dino. Inbunden bok. Älvsjö : Sa-mar ; [Skellefteå] : [K.R.

Schefferus lapponia

Br kemia

Schefferus lapponia

Deutsch: Ausschnitt: Rechter liegender Noajdde einer Illustration aus Johannes Schefferus "Lapponia" Lapponia - Schefferus Johannes - > English. Etusivu - Haku - Lappi, pohjoiset ja arktiset alueet - Lapponia - Schefferus Johannes . Lapponia. Tekijä: Schefferus Johannes Johannes Schefferus’s Lapponia in Britain c. 1674-1800.

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Johannes Schefferus : Family tree by Karl-Bertil AROSENIUS

It was written by Johannes Schefferus in 1673.