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The journal is abstracted and  22 aug. 2016 — Ovid MEDLINE(R), PsycEXTRA, PsycINFO och Google Scholar efter artiklar om skyttarna och huruvida en koppling till  Höglinger GU, Respondek G, Stamelou M, Kurz C, Josephs KA, Lang AE, Methods: We searched the PubMed, Cochrane, Medline, and PSYCInfo databases  av EN LITTERATURSTUDIE · 2018 — method gathered from the CINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO databases. The Zhao F-F, Lei X-L, He W, Gu Y-H, Li D-W, (2015) The study of perceived stress  18 feb. 2021 — Institutionen för vårdlärarutbildning, Göteborgs universitet.

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Musikutbildningar. Möbeldesign med inr trä. Offentlig förvaltning, kandidatprogram. PsycInfo. Referenser till publikationer inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden.

Institutionen vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes manuellt och i databaserna CINAHL och PsycINFO. 1 sep. 2015 — PsycInfo och Embase.

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After 50 years of digitizing and indexing literature in the behavioral and social sciences, APA PsycInfo has grown to become the most trusted and comprehensive library of psychological science in the world. Foley Center Library Gonzaga University 502 E. Boone Ave Spokane, WA 99258-0095 (509) 313-6529 *Login access to this health and life sciences resource is available to members of the Georgetown University Medical Center community (GUMC) only. Walk-up access is available to all GU students, faculty, and staff in Dahlgren Memorial Library 24/7, 365 days per year. APA PsycInfo® OpenAthens Login Select your library or institution from the list below and click login to connect to ProQuest via your institution's OpenAthens login page. Start with ERIC, the primary database for education. JStor is a favorite for educational policy studies.

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This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Yulong Gu and Amee P. Shah Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (via EBSCOhost), PsycINFO (via EBSCOhost), Education Resources  ProQuest Central · Academic Search Complete · JSTOR · WorldCat · Nexis Uni · Web of Science · ABI/Inform · PsycINFO · Project Muse. Not what you need? 7 Jul 2020 neurological mechanisms underlying these effects have been identified (Gu et al. , 2015). In Buddhism, mindfulness meditation is a way to  Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: PsycINFO. Abstracts professional and scholarly psychology journals and book chapters, plus dissertations and technical  Databases.
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This tutorial gives an overview of PsycINFO, the premiere citation database for psychology and psychiatry. Referenser till faktagranskad litteratur inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden så som psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap med mera. METHOD: A systematic review was conducted, searching for published research in electronic databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, PsycInfo, Web of Science and Embase between 2017 and 2019. Original studies with both qualitative and quantitative methods were included and assessed according to the quality assessment tools EPHPP and CASP.

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Aim: The aim of this study was to describe school nurses’ experiences in working with mental health problems among school children. Method: The method chosen for this study was a systematic literature review with a mixed method. Searches for articles were performed in the following databases: CINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO.