Sensys Gatso Group Research Page Redeye
30 — Aktierna köptes till en kurs Observera att investering i aktier alltid Hoppa till Sensys Gatso Group: Äntligen insiderköp - Redeye Omx 30 Sensys Gatso: Interview with CEO Ivo Mönnink (video) Redeye AB is authorised and regulated by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen. 2021. Redeye: Sensys Gatso - An Essential Business Mon, May 04, 2020 07:53 CET. Redeye lowers the 2020 estimates in Managed Services due to lockdowns in US, meaning less driving. However, we maintain our longer-term assumptions and valuation, as well as a positive view of the stock and the recurring revenue story.
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Sensys Gatso får höjd riktkurs av Redeye i en uppdaterad analys: 2,3kr i Base case och 3,4kr i bull case. Man ser även en stor tillväxtpotential vad g… Selene Sensys Gatso - Rule the School 2020-12-02 12:00:00 Redeye reiterates its positive view of the stock, on the back of a solid Q3 report with a rolling 12-month order intake of 909m, and the big school zones opportunity. Redeye: Sensys Gatso - Upcoming Speeding. Publicerad: 2021-03-01 (MFN) Fredag 26 februari. Sensys Gatso Group AB: Sensys Gatso erhåller order från Fareco Group Redeye maintains its view of the Sensys Gatso investment case and the fair value range.
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Sensys Gatso Group: Äntligen insiderköp - Redeye
Man ser även en stor tillväxtpotential vad gäller trafikövervakning vid skolor, särskilt då i USA. Länk till rapport längre ned. Även Penser ger en liknande värdering i en analys idag och indikerar 2,2-2,3kr. STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Redeye har höjt sin rimliga värdering för Sensys Gatso-aktien efter det Oklahoma-avtal som bolaget gick ut med den 10 november.
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Redeye reiterates its positive view of the stock, on the back of a solid Q3 report with a rolling 12-month order intake of 909m, and the big school Redeye maintains its view of the Sensys Gatso investment case and the fair value range. The Q4 report played out as we expected, with Sensys Gatso Group AB: Redeye: Sensys Gatso – Introducing TRaaS – Traffic Enforcement as a Service. Read more and download the research update: Redeye maintains its view of the Sensys Gatso investment case and the fair value range. The Q4 report played out as we expected, with Sensys Gatso Group, en global ledare inom trafiksäkerhetslösningar, presenterar på Redeye Technology Day den 20 november kl.
Redeye: Sensys Gatso - Upcoming Speeding. Publicerad: 2021-03-01 (MFN) Fredag 26 februari. Sensys Gatso Group AB: Sensys Gatso erhåller order från Fareco Group
Redeye maintains its view of the Sensys Gatso investment case and the fair value range. The Q4 report played out as we expected, with investors (or should we say speculators) selling due to the Costa Rica delays. We, on the other hand, are positively surprised by the.
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Sensys Gatso Redeye: We raise our base case valuation to
Redeye: Sensys Gatso - An Essential Business Redeye lowers the 2020 estimates in Managed Services due to lockdowns in US, meaning less driving. However, we maintain our longer-term assumptions and valuation, as well as a positive view of the stock and the recurring revenue story. Sensys Gatso får höjd riktkurs av Redeye i en uppdaterad analys: 2,3kr i Base case och 3,4kr i bull case.