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Power & Digital Infrastructure Acquisition Corp. XPDIU Priser

Since the IPO on Mar 31, 2021, the share price is up 1.03%. 2021-02-01 London Stock Exchange welcomed Digital 9 Infrastructure plc to the Specialist Fund Segment of the Main Market today, after it raised gross proceeds of £300 million in its Initial Public Offering. Digital 9 Infrastructure plc (DGI9) is a newly established, externally managed investment trust. It will invest in a range of digital infrastructure assets which deliver a reliable, functioning internet.

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Digital 9 Infrastructure launches IPO on LSE. Press Release March 8, 2021. March 28, 2021.

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Digital 9 infrastructure ipo

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Digital 9 infrastructure ipo

Triple Point Investment Management has launched the initial public offering (IPO) for a new company, Digital 9 Infrastructure (DGI9), which plans to invest in a number of ventures. 26 Mar 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure plc is a newly established, externally managed investment trust. The Company will invest in a range of digital infrastructure  8 Mar 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure opens books on £400m float Digital 9 Infrastructure, a new London-listed fund focused on digital infrastructure, has begun  1 Feb 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure, an investment trust, today announced that it was launching a £400m London initial public offering (IPO). 8 Mar 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure launches IPO on LSE LONDON: Digital 9 Infrastructure Plc announced the launch of its initial public offering (IPO) on the  24 Mar 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure, a newly-established investment trust, has announced the launch of its IPO on the Specialist Fund Segment of the Main  31 Mar 2021 Triple Point's Digital 9 Infrastructure trust (DGI9) has raised £300m in its IPO on the specialist fund segment of the London Stock Exchange. 1 Apr 2021 Digital 9 Infrastructure PLC has acquired Aqua Comms. No financial terms were disclosed.

Digital 9 infrastructure ipo

We accelerated the build and By creating the infrastructure for digital communications and economies, we H. IPO – Millicom's operations in Tanzania. In June 2016, an  Schibsted has been at the heart of the digital transformation for decades 9 economic activity worldwide. COVID-19 vaccinations have started Electricity consumed by internet infrastructure to distribute our digital newspapers anniversary of the IPO subject to continuous employment up until this date. 9. 1 Unique value creation in individual companies. 12.
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Digital 9 infrastructure ipo

“Digital infrastructure” refers to the critical infrastructure required for the internet to operate and, 2021-02-02 An investment group is planning to raise £400 million on the London Stock Exchange to invest in digital infrastructure, including subsea operator Aqua Comms.

The externally managed trust, which raised its funds through the issuance of 300 million ordinary shares at £1 per unit, will invest in Indeed, Digital 9 Infrastructure expects to publish an IPO prospectus in March 2021 and complete the IPO shortly afterwards. Akur Capital, is acting exclusively as financial adviser for Digital 9 Infrastructure. Additionally, Triple Point has chosen J.P. Morgan to act as Global Coordinator and Sole Bookrunner on Digital 9 Infrastructure’s IPO. Digital 9 is targeting total returns of ten percent per annum and aims to pay an annual dividend of six percent of the IPO price in its first financial year and then increase it thereafter.
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(XPDIU) kraft-och-digital-logotyp. Februari 9, 2021 INTEL av Nicholas Alan Clayton US IPO Weekly Recap: Biotechs översvämmer börsintroduktionsmarknaden under en 14  Fonden EQT IX når sitt hard cap på 15 miljarder EUR. EQT har hållit en första stängning (first closing) för fonden EQT Infrastructure V och når  EQT Infrastructure V och vissa andra initiativ. 09 March 2021. #Press Release; #Regulatory; #EQT AB Group; #EQT Infrastructure V; #EQT IX  Euroafrica Digital Ventures AB (”Euroafrica” eller ”Bolaget”), bestående av dotterbolagen Kupatana och Social Media Lab (”SML”), är ett  9 mar 2021 Pressmeddelande · Uppdatering kring EQT Infrastructure V och vissa andra initiativ.