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Many years ago, in an earlier and more troubled life, I qualified in, and for a brief period practised, medicine. In this post, we have posted a revision and a free pdf download link for Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2020 ed.This internal medicine book includes hundreds of questions that probably you’ll see on the shelf exam with High yield explanations of each answer (correct and incorrect), it is a great book for students who like to actively study since it is pure Q&A. 3 The Prophetic Medicine.pdf. remove-circle A collection of books on the subject of Tibb an-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine) Addeddate 2013-04-24 18:27:20 Identifier About This Book A lot of material in this book is also available in other books [1, 2], and in fact, I have learnt a number of things that I write in this book from them. However, this book is different from all other books on evidence-based medicine in that there is greater emphasis on fundamental concepts.

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