Nagisa Shioda Assassination Classroom Cosplay anime


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jp. Shizuka ITOU. en. Martha HARMS. es.

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He is a powerful octopus -like being who is the homeroom teacher of Class 3-E of Characters. Nagisa Shiota. Karma Akabane. Korosensei. Kaede Kayano. Irina Jelavić.

Training to become an assassin in order to kill her teacher was not on the list of things she planned for her third year.

Assassination Classroom Complete Box Set – Yusei Matsui

Vor ihm trat Ritsu der Klasse bei. Anfangs hat er nicht am Unterricht teilgenommen, aber nachdem er einige Male öfters erschien, tritt er der Klasse mit guten Absichten bei.

Assassination classroom characters

Shiota Nagisa, knife, sunset; Assassination Classroom

Assassination classroom characters

Assassination Classroom. Class 3E - they're the misfits and failures of their school, looked down upon and scorned by their fellow students.

Assassination classroom characters

Kunugigaoka Junior High School: Faculty and Students of the Main Building. Assassins and Other Characters. What is the Japanese title for Assassination Classroom? Why is it called Assassination Classroom? What are the meanings behind the character’s names? Koro-sensei (殺せんせー, Koro-sensē) Nagisa Shiota (潮田 渚, Shiota Nagisa) Karma Akabane (赤羽 業(カルマ), Akabane Karuma) Check the Newest VideoTop 10 Strongest Assassination Classroom CharactersMay contain spoilerMusic: Deadman Wonderland Op Remix by Killing Spree10. Takaoka9.
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Assassination classroom characters

•caring. •hard working. • protective.

What are the meanings behind the character’s names? Koro-sensei (殺せんせー, Koro-sensē) Nagisa Shiota (潮田 渚, Shiota Nagisa) Karma Akabane (赤羽 業(カルマ), Akabane Karuma) Check the Newest VideoTop 10 Strongest Assassination Classroom CharactersMay contain spoilerMusic: Deadman Wonderland Op Remix by Killing Spree10.
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Beware of inherent spoiler tropes! The Main Characters Kunugigaoka Junior High School: Teachers and Students of Class 3-E Kunugigaoka Junior … Welcome to the Assassination Classroom Wiki, an online encyclopedia dedicated to Assassination Classroom, the manga series created by Yūsei Matsui. Since June 2012, there have been a total of 32,697 edits to 466 articles. Help us contribute! Please be advised that the wiki contains many spoilers relating to Assassination Classroom. Read at your own risk!