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Learn how to correctly pronounce the UR sound with these explanations, video and exercises. Lesson 14: Long O Sound (boat, know) Long Vowel Sounds: Game and Learning Video oa ow oe word list Plus Läsförståelse, Undervisning, Engelska, Skola, Tal Och. Läsförståelse Tal Och Språk. Vem som helst kan vara med. Så rör på era fötter.

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O oa ow video

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O oa ow video

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O oa ow video

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O oa ow video

More videos. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more  lesson features an extensive word list introducing the "long o" sound (o-e, oa, ow, o), long o word list and sentences 1 Your browser can't play this video. (See onset-rime segmentation and Phonological Awareness Onset-rime video) ea, i-e, ie, oa, oe, o-e, oi, oo, ou, ow, oy, u-e, ue, y) (see Phonics Lesson: Consonant long vowels ('o' as in pony) and separate sounds in letter Find long o words with oa and ow lesson plans and teaching resources.

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Publication list, Ewert Bengtsson - Centre for Image Analysis

Videos and songs to help Kindergarten kids learn how to pronounce the long vowel O. Learn words with Long Vowel O and silent E Learn words with OW, O-E, -OE, and -OA. The following diagram shows some examples of words that have the long o sound.