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ISSN: 1687-6180 (electronic) The Springer Open Access API provides metadata, full-text content, and images for more then 370,000 open access articles from BioMed Central and SpringerOpen journals. Springer is a global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and Springer Nature’s Transformative Agreements enable country level transition to open access New data demonstrates that Springer Nature’s national transformative agreements can drive the open access (OA) transition, significantly increase the number of authors publishing OA to over 70%, and lead to a country level ‘flip’ Springer Nature and MPDL Services GmbH on behalf of Projekt DEAL today announce that the formal contract for the world’s largest transformative Open Access (OA) agreement to date has been signed. Dated 1 January 2020, the agreement provides OA publishing services and full reading access to Springer Nature journals to scholars and students from across the German research landscape. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (JASM) welcomes Special Issues on timely topics related to the field of signal processing.

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Publishing with SpringerOpen makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work. Open access books are published by our Springer imprint. Find the right journal for you Explore our subject areas Publish an open access book with Springer We offer authors the option to publish their books and chapters open access – making your research freely available to anyone with internet access! We offer authors the option to publish open access books and chapters in a wide range of areas within science, technology and medicine (STM) and within the humanities and social sciences (HSS). Your institutional open access membership could cover the cost of your next paper. Check if your institution is a member and learn how you could save on article processing charges (APCs).

Springer offers OA options for peer-reviewed books and chapters. OA refers to immediate, free and unrestricted online access to research   from Dutch universities and the KNAW will be published in open access, at no exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.

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Springer has agreed that articles from corresponding authors at a Dutch  What is open access? Springer offers OA options for peer-reviewed books and chapters. OA refers to immediate, free and unrestricted online access to research   from Dutch universities and the KNAW will be published in open access, at no exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen. The latest Tweets from SpringerOpen (@SpringerOpen).

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Springer Compact offers free open access publishing in some 1600 hybrid  1 Apr 2021 Open Access publishing: Springer The requested page is not currently available due to visibility settings. Report a problem. LibGuides of the  25 Mar 2021 Note: Publishing articles in Open Access-only journals through Springer Open remains free of charge for the authors, the costs are covered by  9 Jan 2020 Dated 1 January 2020, the agreement provides open access publishing services and full reading access to Springer Nature journals to  SpringerOpen Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) form shall allow people using Assistive Technology to access the information, field elements,  9 Nov 2020 The open access agreement that was concluded with Springer publishers on behalf of universities in the Netherlands is based on a maximum  Open Access Option.

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Om avtalet Avtalet ger fri publicering i rena open access-tidskrifter för forskare vid Lunds universitet. I avtalet ingår följande förlagsetiketter (imprints): BioMed Central (BMC) Springer Open Journals NatureResearch (inklusive Nature Communications och Scientific Reports) Palgrave Macmillan (endast en tidskrift: Palgrave Communications) Corresponding author måste vara knuten till Lunds Open Access Having started in 2000 Open Access (OA) is a relatively new publication model in the long history of scientific journals. In recent years there has been vast growth in the number of articles published open access, the number of fully open access journals, subscription titles offering OA options and funder mandates.
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If your question relates to non-open access publishing, please return to the main support page for alternative categories. Publishing open access. If you publish your article open access, the final published version can be archived in institutional or funder repositories and can be made publicly accessible immediately.

Open access books are published by our Springer imprint. Find the right journal for you Explore our subject areas Publish an open access book with Springer We offer authors the option to publish their books and chapters open access – making your research freely available to anyone with internet access!
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The journal aims at addressing human brain Springer Nature’s announcement says the company sees the acquisition as a way to complement its book portfolio. You can familiarize yourself with this segment of Atlantis’ work here.