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San Clemente är en stad i Orange County, Kalifornien (). År 2005 hade staden 65 338 invånare.San Clemente är Orange Countys sydligaste stad, belägen cirka 10 kilometer söder om San Juan Capistrano. Äta ute i San Clemente, Kalifornien: Se Tripadvisor-resenärernas omdömen om restauranger i San Clemente och sök efter kök, pris, plats och så vidare. The San Clemente Dam was an arch dam on the Carmel River about 15 mi (24 km) southeast of Monterey in Monterey County, California of the United States.It was located just downstream of the Carmel River and San Clemente Creek confluence. San Clemente is a beautiful area. Getting around San Clemente, if youre OFF the interstate is not an easy task.

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1,296 likes · 12 talking about this · 134 were here. The YT MILL. A YT Showroom based in San The YT MILL, San Clemente, San Clemente, California. 1,384 likes · 19 talking about this · 136 were here.