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View solution in original post Test the ArcGIS Server URL in a web browser to see if the REST or Admin page can be accessed. Test the connection the ArcGIS Server by connecting via the IP address. If using the ArcGIS Web Adaptor for the server connection, and administrative connections are not enabled through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor, connect via port 6080 or 6443. The ArcGIS Online Health Dashboard provides status information that has been verified as having impacted the majority of our users. As ArcGIS Online is a large cloud-based platform, many events have limited effect on our broader user base, if at all. Checking the license server status.
The status is persisted to the configuration store. However, it is possible that the configured state may not match the actual state of the resource. Navigate to Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager, and launch the License Server Administrator on the host machine. Check if the License Server Status is set to RUNNING.
It has also been observed that this error may be returned when trying to connect to the server via HTTP, even though the security settings were set to "HTTP or HTTPS". Minecraft Server Status. Get information about Minecraft servers quickly.
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