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Dr. Alejandro Fuentes is a family physician in Weslaco, TX, delivering primary care services for all members of the family – from seniors to kids. Se hela listan på healthcare6.com Dr. Alejandro Fuentes, MD works in Weslaco, Texas is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated University Tex Fam Med Center in 1988. Dr. Fuentes is affiliated with Knapp Medical Center and practicing for 35 years Dr. Alejandro Fuentes, MD is a family medicine specialist in Weslaco, TX. Dr. Fuentes completed a residency at University Tex Fam Med Center. He currently practices at Mid Valley Family Prac Assoc and is affiliated with Knapp Medical Center. Alejandro Fuentes Overview Alejandro Fuentes has been associated with three companies, according to public records. The companies were formed over a twenty-four year period with the most recent being incorporated nine months ago in September of 2019. One of the companies is still active while the remaining two are now listed as inactive.

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Dr. Fuentes is affiliated with Knapp Medical Center and practicing for 35 years Alejandro Fuentes , MD. Family Medicine and Family Medicine (956) 969-2536. Mid Valley Family Practice Associates PA 1710 E 8th St Weslaco, TX 78596. Overview; Insurance; Office Info; Overview. Back to Listing. Gender: Male.

Thank you. Editor’s Note: The above remarks were made by Hidalgo County Commissioner for Precinct 1, David Fuentes at a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new cold storage facility being operated by CIL Logistics and used by Robinson Fresh in Weslaco, Texas. Kontakta Alejandro Fuentes Silva, Järfälla.

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Dr. Alejandro Fuentes, Family Medicine in Weslaco, TX. See Reviews & Make an Appointment!

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Acosta. Elisha. Baylor Internal Medicine. 1250 Weslaco,. TX. 78596. Family Practice.

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Adress: Galaxgränd 15, Postnummer: 175 66, Telefon: 072-012 33 .. Maria V Fuentes is a Nurse Practitioner Specialist in Weslaco, Texas.
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x. Dr. Alejandro Fuentes MD Weslaco, TX with 21+ years experience. Gender: Male Years In  This page is about Alejadro Fuentes Asesor De Ventas,contains Heraldo de Mi Cristo Pastor Alejandro Fuentes,Alejandro Fuentes, embajador de la cocina  This page is about Dr. Fuentes,contains Dr. Alejandro Fuentes,Implante de Mentón: Hablamos con el Dr. Medical Doctor Weslaco, TX Melecia Fuentes, M.D..

Search up to date business pages at DandB.com. Alejandro Fuentes Md was founded in 2010, and is located at 1710 E 8th St in Weslaco.
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Bastrop, Texas - Personeriasm 512-409 Phone Numbers

F Building Adriana Pena1, Alejandro Conde2, Jason Tidwell3, Dr. Guilherme Klafke3, Fuentes1, C. Bateman2, A. Kawahara3, E. Braswell1 1USDA APHIS  14 Feb 2021 1ST TEAM: QB Rodney Garza, Weslaco High; C Larry Strickland, Weslaco Offensive Lineman of the Year: Alejandro Avila, McAllen Memorial High; Juan Fuentes, McAllen Memorial; Abraham Ramirez, McAllen Rowe éSpanish. >= 17 years/años. Fuentes, Alejandro, MD. PCP ID # 117081. 1710 E 8th St. Weslaco, TX 78596. (956) 969-2536. éSpanish.