December 31, 2020-Lay 'Em Off edition - Daily Compliance News


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The latter was a consortium made up of Africa Oil, Delonex and Vitol. Commodity traders Glencore, Trafigura and Vitol are under investigation on suspicion of paying bribes to employees of state-controlled oil company Petrobras in exchange for contracts, in the 2018-12-05 · Officers from Petrobras, Glencore and Vitol didn’t reply to a request for remark. Lately each Vitol and Glencore carried out acquisitions involving gasoline distribution in Brazil. Netherlands-based Vitol purchased 50 p.c of Rodoil in October and Glencore purchased 78 p.c of Ale Combustiveis this 12 months.

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Vitol also admitted that from 2011 to 2014, it bribed at least five other Petrobras officials in exchange for receiving confidential pricing information that Vitol used to win fuel oil contracts with Petrobras. Vitol’s agent for Brazilian oil deals was a key player in a network shown in court documents to have drawn up multiple bribery schemes, with the collaboration of insiders at state oil firm Petrobras. Vitol paid him through an offshore company that had been at the centre of this network’s plans. Plans by Petrobras, Vitol Investment Partnership 11, which leads a consortium buying the assets has 50 percent stake, while each of Africa Oil and Delonex Energy has 25 percent. The Vitol executive shared the confidential information with two Vitol traders on a regular basis. The Vitol executive and the Petrobras official regularly met in person to transfer the confidential information using electronic storage devices. Several years later, the monthly bribery payments increased from $5000 per month to $12,000 per month.

According to the documents in this case, between 2005 and 2014, Vitol and its co-conspirators paid bribes of more than $8 million to several officials at Brazil’s state-owned and controlled oil company Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras. 2018-11-08 2018-12-05 Among the conduct at issue in the Vitol enforcement action was the allegation that Vitol and its co-conspirators made corrupt payments to various individuals at Petrobras “in exchange for receiving confidential Petrobras information, including: (i) ‘market intelligence,” which included internal Petrobras import and export forecasts and other confidential information intended to benefit Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras said that it had received 232.6 million reais ($44.65 million) on Tuesday in a settlement with Swiss energy trading firm Vitol, which was implicated in a 2020-12-29 · Petrobras on Vitol leniency agreement Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million, as a result of a leniency agreement entered into between the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and Vitol Inc. and Vitol do Brasil Ltda.

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During that scheme, a consultant acting on behalf of Vitol engaged in back-channel negotiations with a Houston-based Petrobras official. RIO DE JANEIRO/HOUSTON (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating energy trading firm Vitol’s top two executives in the Americas in connection with a Brazil bribery case, two sources with direct Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as Petrobras is formally known, said in a securities filing that the settlement was brokered as part of a leniency deal between Vitol and federal prosecutors. (Petrobras, 29.Dec.2020) — Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$232.6mn, as a result of a leniency agreement entered into between the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and Vitol Inc. and Vitol do Brasil Ltda.

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Samtliga ska ha lagt bud som  Petrobras-strejken har dämpat den dagliga oljeproduktionen med cirka 25% i världens VD för Vitol, världens största oljebolagsföretag, en konferens i London.

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Brasilien. Olja och Vitol. Fossilt. Nederländerna.
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Petrobras vitol

Pemex · Pertamina · Petrobangla · Petrobras · PetroChina · Petronas · Petrovietnam · PTT Glencore · Gunvor · Mercuria · Naftiran Intertrade · Trafigura · Vitol. Unions representing Petrobras workers started a nationwide strike on Swiss-based Vitol andMercuria, two of the world's largest energy  I november 2019 tillkännagavs att Vitol och Delonex drog sig ur POGBV-affären och att POGBV till Petrobras drogs av från slutbetalningen. Petróleo Brasileiro S.A., vardagligt Petrobras, är Latinamerikas dominerande Vitol Group är ett nederländsk–schweizisk råvaruhandelsbolag och som anses  På grund av den negativa tillväxten i Petrobras-reserver, kostnaden för 9% 1% Novorossiysk / Primorsk / Ust-Luga Motpart CNPC, Transneft Glencore, Vitol,  På grund av den negativa ökningen av reserverna i Petrobras, kostnaden för Novorossiysk / Primorsk / Ust-Luga Motparty CNPC, Transneft Glencore, Vitol,  in U.S. · Brazil Gives Petrobras Added Rights for Billions in Advance Payments Vitol Group Looks to Grow Funds · Energy Investing 101: Tackling Oil & Gas  Common shares of Petrobras are down 56 percent with volatility in international crude markets waningand big rivals like Vitol and  All the major traders in the world like Vitol (4 locations), Litasco(CH), Gunvor(CH). • All major Agribusinesses like ADM, Cargill, Bunge etc. are ISCC certified.

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The Vitol executive shared the confidential information with two Vitol traders on a regular basis.