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9,051,835 likes · 38,443 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. President Joe Biden. 8,923,809 likes · 1,175,842 talking about this. 46th President of the United States, husband to @FLOTUS, proud father and grandfather. Building back better for all Americans. Joe Biden.

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In a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times editorial board, Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden made it clear he isn't a big supporter of Facebook or CEO Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin. Joe Biden Fast Facts. Here is a look at the life of US President Joe Biden. Personal.

Facebook hindrar spridningen av New York Posts avslöjande om Joe Bidens möte med toppchefen för Burisma, skriver New York Post . Andy Stone, talesperson för Facebook, skriver i ett Twitter-inlägg att man ”minskar dess spridning” tills artikeln faktagranskats. Twitter and Facebook's action over Joe Biden article reignites bias claims.

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Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin.

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Franska Bitche tillbaka på Facebook - Norra Skåne

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In response, Facebook n… Joe Biden.

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Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Over the past year, the Biden for President campaign has called on Facebook to meet the commitment the company made after 2016 — to use its platform to improve American democracy rather than as a tool to spread disinformation that undermines our elections. In a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times editorial board, Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden made it clear he isn't a big supporter of Facebook or CEO Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin. Joe Biden Fast Facts.
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Joe Biden. 9,055,809 likes · 60,322 talking about this. Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather.

46th President of the United States, husband to @FLOTUS, proud father and grandfather. Building back better for all Americans. Joe Biden.
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Franska Bitche tillbaka på Facebook - Norra Skåne

Offentlig person. President Joe Biden. 8 924 134 gillar · 1 344 123 pratar om detta.