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Show declension of voisin. (Adjective) Declension of voisin (type sisin) singular. plural. Translation for 'voisin' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.

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English Translation for voisin - dict.cc Danish-English Dictionary nm/f. (personne qui habite à côté) neighbour (Grande-Bretagne) , neighbor (USA) [+table, dortoir] neighbour (Grande-Bretagne) , neighbor (USA) voisin de palier , voisine de palier. nm/f neighbour across the landing (Grande-Bretagne) , neighbor across the hall (USA) Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. See also: Many translated example sentences containing "voisin" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.

Swedish translation of consulting firm – English-Swedish dictionary and search engine, Swedish Translation. Voisin Consulting SARL. S. L. A Pharma (UK)  Translations in context of "HAR DU REDAN LÄST" in swedish-english.

Böcker - Book Avions Voisin Automobiles Voisin 1919-1958

German, Schmutz. grin English. Swedish, flina, brett leende, flin, grina, hånleende, English, neighbour, neighbor. French, voisin.

Voisin in english

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Voisin in english

Un agent secret? Le jeune Quentin aime  Vakter - English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. Swedish - English Translator. DIG106932 Automobil av märket Voisin. Modell C3. Ägarinna: Fru S. Bocander, Stockholm. Voisin automobile, model C3. Photo: Okänd/ Unknown.

Voisin in english

Välj mellan 240 premium Sarah L. Voisin The Town av  Book Avions Voisin Automobiles Voisin 1919-1958 Ltd. Ed. by Courteault and includes a separate English Translation booklet by Peter Hull Hardcover with. Check Rebeca Martín Voisin's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download Rebeca Martín Voisin's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map. Voisine v. United States. Annons. Nyare. Page 1 of 1.
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Voisin in english

Contextual translation of "le voisin" into English. Human translations with examples: how so?, neighbor, the load", the neighbour, chez le voisin !, the man next door.

L'enfant de ma femme . Lindley Murray , English Grammar .
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L'adorable voisine - Prime Video

Show declension of voisin. (Adjective) Declension of voisin (type … Translation for 'voisin' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. voisin translate: neighboring, similar, neighbor, neighbor, neighbour, neighbor, adjoining, neighbouring….