Gallery of Aspvik House / Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter - 1 in
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Numera Idag landar det nya sommarnumret från Residence Magazine i butik där ni bland annat kan läsa om vårt sommarhusprojekt i Aspvik. Huset som ligger högt Aspvik. Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden. Turbulences DécoCONTREPLAQUÉ / PLYWOOD. Arkitekten Andreas Martin-Löf är igång med planera inredning för Ute i Aspvik vid Torsbyfjärden har han däremot låtit bygga åt sig själ. Nu åker vi hem till stjärnarkitekten Andreas Martin-Löfs hus bland trädtopparna i Stockholms skärgård med en omskriven infinity-pool med I SVT:s serie ”Hemma hos arkitekten” visar den kända arkitekten Andreas Martin-Löf upp sitt hus i Aspvik och berättar om tankarna bakom den 2019-okt-09 - Här är badrumsinspiration 'Hemma hos Andreas Martin-Löf i Aspvik — Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter Skandinavisk Arkitektur, Modern Arkitektur, Här ligger Aspvik Hills, ett trähus inspirerat av morföräldrarnas stuga-. -som legat Andreas Martin-Löf har även ritat Sveriges billigaste bostäder.
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Aspvik. Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice 2017-apr-20 - Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden. Swedish architect Andreas Martin-Löf has completed a retreat for himself on a hill Image 7 of 20 from gallery of Aspvik House / Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter. Apr 3, 2020 - Image 1 of 20 from gallery of Aspvik House / Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter. Photograph by Åke E:son Lindman.
Index. 2020.
Gallery of Aspvik House / Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter - 8
The house has 70 sqm and is located in Aspvik, Sweden, near Stockholm. Description by Andreas Martin-Löf: In 1917, renowned restaurateur Sten Hellberg built a chinese-style tower high above Torsbyfjärden with a view overlooking the shipping lane towards Stockholm. Oct 5, 2019 - Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden. The Martin-Löf Villa Recent commissions include Continental Apartments – 18 luxurious high-rise apartments in central Stockholm with a penthouse complete with 70-tonne suspended pool; the Aspvik House, a summer house in Stockholm’s archipelago which has been widely publicised, and Karlatornet, the design of the penthouses and premium residential levels of Scandinavia’s tallest building.
Badrumsinspiration: Hemma hos Andreas Martin-Löf i
The Martin-Löf Villa Recent commissions include Continental Apartments – 18 luxurious high-rise apartments in central Stockholm with a penthouse complete with 70-tonne suspended pool; the Aspvik House, a summer house in Stockholm’s archipelago which has been widely publicised, and Karlatornet, the design of the penthouses and premium residential levels of Scandinavia’s tallest building. The Pendant Lamp is a lighting designed by Andreas Martin-Löf for the Design bar 2016 at Stockholm Furniture and Light Fair 2016. The ceiling lamp is made from construction material from Andreas’s private villa Aspvik in collaboration with Blond Belysning. Sep 3, 2015 - Completed in 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden.
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The Aspvik house, by Swedish architect Andreas Martin-Löf, checks all of the boxes – And more! Because while an infinity swimming pool wasn’t part of my initial plan, I think it would preeetty awesome. Located in the Stockholm archipelago, it sits on a steep hill in a pine tree forest and benefits from panoramic views.
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March 2021. Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden. Saved by Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter AB. 165. Hillside Pool Hillside House Infinity Pools Scandinavian Architecture Scandinavian Home Colonial Architecture Andreas Martin Two Storey House Nordic Design.
Jan 24, 2017 - Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden. Image 18 of 20 from gallery of Aspvik House / Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter.
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View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery Aspvik … The Aspvik house, by Swedish architect Andreas Martin-Löf, checks all of the boxes – And more! Because while an infinity swimming pool wasn’t part of my initial plan, I think it would preeetty awesome. Aspvik house was completed recently by Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter. The house has 70 sqm and is located in Aspvik, Sweden, near Stockholm. Description by Andreas Martin-Löf: In 1917, renowned restaurateur Sten Hellberg built a chinese-style tower high above Torsbyfjärden with a view overlooking the shipping lane towards Stockholm. Oct 5, 2019 - Andreas Martin-Löf Arkitekter is an award winning architectural practice based in Stockholm, Sweden.