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Werner, K.F. 1979: Structures politiques du monde franc (VIe–XIIe siècles). 'LTtC'\öpanoC' sNllal' oeh mynl vic! sllllel a,· > 1'C11 1968- 1973 . .. .. .. ..

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1 2 franc 1968

Kristianstadsortens Numismatiska Förening www

1 2 franc 1968

Weight: 2.5g (2.25g fine) Demonetized: January 1, 1869 CH-BM-0.50-1968-1969. Years 1968 and 1969 263 items Get the best deals on 1/2 Franc, shop the largest numismatic marketplace at MA- Full details about the coin Switzerland, 1/2 Franc 1968-2020 with high res photos of obverse and reverse, mintage, weight, diameter, material, shape, edge type  Switzerland KM# 23a coin 1/2 Franc (1968 - 2015) full numismatic specifications with clear reverse and observe photos. Lettering: HELVETIA 1/2 Fr. 1980. Подробная информация о монете Switzerland 1/2 franc 1968 - 1981г. в каталоге Global Coins. Продайте нам или купите в коллекцию редкую монету   Scroll below to see all grades.

1 2 franc 1968

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