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Digital faksimilutgåva av första och andra utgåvan, 20 + 38 band, 1876-1926, från Projekt Runeberg. Ämnen: 301 Moved Permanently. nginx/1.16.1 Nordisk Familjebok. 204 likes. Nordisk Familjebok. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. 13.

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441 relations. This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok.The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago. Nordisk Familjebok has credited the image to Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig." "Author: G. Mülzel" "Public domain This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok. Nordisk familjebok er sænsk alfræðiorðabók.Nafn hennar merkir norræn fjölskyldubók.. Fyrsta útgáfan kom út 1876-1899.Önnur útgáfan, hin svokallaða Ugluútgáfa, kom út 1904-1926 í 38 bindum og er enn í dag talin vera umfangsmesta alfræðiorðabók sem gefin hefur verið út á sænska tungu.Þriðja útgáfan var gefin út 1923-1937 og fjórða útgáfan 1951-1957. This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok.The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago. This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok.The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago.

Nordisk Familjebok Paperback – November 12, 2011 This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections Förord till den digitala faksimilutgåvan. av Lars Aronsson, 8 maj 2003 - in English.

Slutpris för Nordisk Familjebok, 1904-1923 38

Den första upplagan kom ut i 20 volymer under åren 1876–1899. Den andra upplagan, vanligen kallad Uggleupplagan, kom ut i 38 volymer 1904–1926. Senare trycktes ytterligare tre koncentrerade upplagor. Nordisk familjebok påbörjades med att förl Nordisk familjebok är ett klassiskt svenskt uppslagsverk.

Nordisk familjebok 1923

Hjördis Viktoria Töpel -

Nordisk familjebok 1923

This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok. The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago. Nordisk familjebok ( Swedish: [ˈnǔːɖɪsk faˈmɪ̂lːjɛˌbuːk], "Nordic Family Book") is a Swedish encyclopedia that was published in print form between 1876 and 1957, and that is now fully available in digital form via Project Runeberg at Linköping University . 30 EUR. 383824. BÖCKER, 38 st. "Nordisk familjebok, konversations lexikon och realencyklopedi, 1904-1926.

Nordisk familjebok 1923

Nordisk familjebok er eit klassisk svensk oppslagsverk.Første opplag kom ut i 20 band i åra 1876–1899.Andre opplag vert kalla ugleopplaget eller på svensk Uggleupplagan.Bokryggen på fleire av banda er dekorert med ei ugle.Andre opplag kom ut i 38 band frå 1904 til 1926.Det vert sett på som det mest komplette svenske oppslagsverket (encyklopedi). Size of this preview: 781 × 599 pixels. Other resolutions: 313 × 240 pixels | 626 × 480 pixels | 782 × 600 pixels | 1,001 × 768 pixels | 1,280 × 982 pixels Nordisk familjebok er et klassisk svensk leksikon.Den første udgave kom i 20 oplag i årene 1876-1899.Den anden udgave, i almindelighed kaldt Uggleupplagan (ugleudgaven), eftersom dekorationen på bogryggen af en af indbindningsvarianterne var prydet af en ugle, udkom i 38 oplag 1904-1926.Værket indeholder ca. 182.000 opslagsord og anses for at være Sveriges mest komplette encyklopædi i This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok. The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago. Nordisk Familjebok 1943 om sporten Rugby.
Fina bokstäver och siffror

Nordisk familjebok 1923

AB Familjeboken (med Arvid Sohlman som administrerende direktør) udgav 1923-1939 et tredje oplag. Til dels karakteriseres der af mange militære artikler, med de nyligt afsluttede Første Verdenskrig som grund. Fx forskellen på en "granat" og en "granatkartesch" og lange artikler om diverse fronter under krigen.

The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago. Nordisk familjebok (Nordic Family Book) is a Swedish encyclopedia that was published in print form between 1876 and 1957, and that is now fully available in digital form via Project Runeberg at Linköping University. 441 relations.
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NORDISK FAMILJEBOK - Sida 505 - Google böcker, resultat

Westin, Theodor, Meijer, Bernhard mfl. red.