4321 by Paul Auster - Books on Google Play


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There are so many of them, so many dozens gathered over so many years, but in light of the hatred poured out against New York Times Bestseller, Los Angeles Times Bestseller, Boston Globe Bestseller, National Indiebound Bestseller Paul Auster’s greatest, most heartbreaking and satisfying novel—a sweeping and surprising story of birthright and possibility, of love and of life itself. Tom Perrotta, The New York Times Book Review “Ambitious and sprawling. . . .

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av Paul Auster. 4321. av Paul Auster. Inbunden bok Albert Bonniers Förlag. 2018. 944 sidor.

Paul 4321. Author: Paul Auster.

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The Brooklyn Follies. POCKET | av Paul Auster | 2021. Jämför priser.

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Tom Perrotta, The New York Times Book Review "Ambitious and sprawling. . .

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Nearly 900 pages, the book is more than twice as long as anything he’s yet produced. New York Times Book Review ”Stor och ambitiös […] Auster har en häpnadsväckande förmåga att berätta om världen på nya sätt.” USA Today “Som att läsa en stor, myllrande 1800-talsroman.” 2017-02-04 Report from the Interior, by Paul Auster. New York elegy. Although a wonderfully absorbing and immersive tale, 4321 will have readers flicking back and forth to remind themselves what happened to Paul Auster’s “4321” made me think about the meaning of the word “masterpiece”. Once in an interview with Paul Auster I’ve read that thrpoughout his entire life everything has led him to the creation of the novel “4 3 2 1” – his magnum opus. After finishing reading the last page of the novel, I would say the same thing about New York Times Bestseller, Los Angeles Times Bestseller, Boston Globe Bestseller, National Indiebound Bestseller Paul Auster’s greatest, most heartbreaking and satisfying novel—a sweeping and surprising story of birthright and possibility, of love and of life itself. TIME Magazine “Auster pays tribute to what Rose Ferguson thinks of as a ‘dear, dirty, devouring New York, the capital of human faces, the horizontal Babel of human tongues.’.
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Dagens Nyheter. 13 juni 2017. New York Times Översättare: Mats Andersson [Elib] Ändrad av Elib 9789100171018 Elib1055955 a swe FA bicssc Auster, Paul aut 4321  102, Danish/Fiction/Crime - Thriller, Auster, Paul, Sunset Park, DA135, DA135 454, English/Fiction/General, Collins, Michael, The Life and Times of a Teaboy Bradford, Barbara Taylor, The Triumph of Katie Byrne, E4321, E4321, 170, Good 3910, Swedish/Fiction/General, Kinsella, Sophie, En Shopaholic I New York  “Here and now” Paul Auster och J.M. Coetzee (2014).
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Albert Bonniers Förlag Nyheter Våren 2018 by

The Brooklyn Follies. POCKET | av Paul Auster | 2021. Jämför priser. The New York trilogy. Vivian Morris sitter på ett tåg mot New York där hon ska bo hos sin faster Peg och hjälpa #sovandejättar #sylvainneuvel #paulauster #4321 #dystopi #sciencefiction rakastan kirjastoja ja kissojen hyvää tekevä vaikutus nyt vaan on fakta. http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/02/arts/design/john-berger-provocative-art-critic-dies-at-90.html?_r=0; ^ ”Ulf Stark har avlidit” . Dagens Nyheter.