Latexin sensibiliserar leukemogena celler till gamma


Immunofluorescence Imaging of DNA Damage and Repair

2010-03-06 · DNA DSB induced by gamma irradiation, or other DSB inducers, leads to rapid phosphorylation of H2AX at Ser139 by ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs, resulting in γH2AX . The foci formed by γH2AX can recruit DNA damage response proteins, such as BRCA1, 53BP1, and MDC1, to initiate DNA repair [ 5 , 27 , 28 ]. Histone H2AX rapidly undergoes phosphorylation at Ser139 (gamma-H2AX) in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Although ATM kinase and DNA-PK phosphorylate Ser139 of H2AX in culture cells, the regulatory mechanism of gamma-H2AX level remains unclear in vivo.

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gamma-H2AX has already been investigated in a variety of cancer types, including breast, lung, colon, cervix, and ovary cancers. The prognostic value of gamma-H2AX is indicated in certain cancer types, such as breast or endometrial cancer, but further investigation is needed to establish gamma-H2AX as a prognostic marker. DNA-PK, resulted in the loss of pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX in alpha particle irradiated lymphocytes. Pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX signal was rapidly lost over 24 h at a much greater rate than foci loss. Surprisingly, pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX intensity was not dependent on the number of alpha particle induced double strand gamma-h2ax-phospho-s139-antibody-c-terminal-ab228655.pdf Send me a copy of this email I agree to the terms and conditions . In this work H2AX phosphorylation-dephosphorylation kinetics were analyzed to evaluate the maximum number of γ-H2AX foci and the persistence of these foci with the time, in an attempt to understand the differences observed after irradiation of AG01522 cells with gamma rays or charged particles of differing quality. H2AX (H2A histone family member X) helps to maintain genome stability.

DNA-replikationssvaret skiljer sig från svaret  Analogous mechanisms have been reported for DNA break-induced phosphorylated histones, where dephosphorylation of γ H2AX is mediated by Pph3 and  Chk2 och Histone H2AX samt komponenter i DNA-reparationsmekanismer (​granskad i For one, Plk1 was reported to regulate spindle morphology through γ -tubulin Polo-mediated phosphorylation of Asp is required for the aster-​forming  Phospho-SMC1 (S957) and gamma-H2AX (S319) antibodies were obtained in ImageJ and intensity of phosphorylation normalized to total protein staining. Latexin sensibiliserar leukemogena celler till gamma-bestrålningsinducerad med den PE-konjugerade antikroppen p-histon H2AX (S139) (Cell Signaling, Danvers, MA, USA) vid 37 ° C under 1 h.

search: Antonio Negri - SwePub

Histone H2A.X (H2AX) is a member of the histone H2A family which is one of the four core histones making up the nucleosome core particle. In eukaryotes, DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) have been shown to trigger the phosphorylation of serine 139 at the carboxy terminus of histone H2AX resulting in gamma-H2AX.

Gamma h2ax phosphorylation

Assaying DNA Damage in Hippocampal Neurons Using the

Gamma h2ax phosphorylation

DNA-PK, resulted in the loss of pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX in alpha particle irradiated lymphocytes. Pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX signal was rapidly lost over 24 h at a much greater rate than foci loss.

Gamma h2ax phosphorylation

We address here the relationship between DNA damage-induced hyper-phosphorylation of RPA and its intra-nuclear focalization, and whether gamma-H2AX is required for RPA's presence at these foci. DNA strand breaks trigger marked phosphorylation of histone H2AX (i.e. gamma-H2AX). While DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) provide a strong stimulus for this event, the accompanying structural alterations in chromatin may represent the actual signal that elicits gamma-H2AX. Se hela listan på 2009-09-01 · An increase in H2AX phosphorylation, as visualised by γH2AX foci, was found in response to increasing concentrations of etoposide, bleomycin or methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The concentration-dependent increase in the mean of the median number of γH2AX foci per nucleus was seen at all concentrations tested . Successive phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of histone H2AX have been linked to DNA breaks and repair.
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Gamma h2ax phosphorylation

Antigen synonymer, H2AX,H2AFX anitbody,gamma-H2AX,H2A histone family  method for measurement of gamma-H2AX in blood mononuclear and cultured cells.

Here we describe a rapid and simple flow-cytometry-based method, optimized to measure gamma-H2AX in non-fixed peripheral blood cells.
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Res. 168, 493–498 (2007).DNA double-strand breaks are thought to precede the formation of most radiation-induced micronuclei. Phosphorylation of the histone H2AX is an early indicator of DNA double-strand breaks. Here we studied the phosphorylation Bethyl Laboratories Anti-Phospho-gamma-H2AX (Ser139) Polyclonal, Catalog # IHC-00059.