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Many valves come with a removable bypass plug that can be replaced by the bypass orifice provided separately with each valve. V47AC-3 Johnson Controls 3/4" npt, 115 to 180 degrees F Heating Point Range, Cast Brass Direct Acting Temperature Actuated Water Regulating Valve with 6' Capillary, 11/16" diameter 3 1/4" long bulb (Style 4), and 1/2" npt external fitting. If you need a specific firmware or series relating to V47AC-3, we probably have it. Please call or email us with your request.
V47AC-9160. V47AC-9161. V47AD-9160. V47AC-9160 Vattenventil tempst 3/4'', 14 137 06.
Control equipment’s temperature, pressure, and air flow with dependable PENN® commercial refrigeration controls products. Johnson Controls V46AC-1C - 3/4" IPS Pressure Actuated Valve (70-260 PSI) - The V46 pressure-actuated modulating valves come in two types of control action: direct acting or reverse acting. Direct-acting V46 valves are typically used for regulating refrigerant head pressure in water-cooled condensers.
(954) 717-3769. Headquarters. 10220 West State Road 84 Suite 9 Davie, FL 33324 V47 Issue 06/03/2003 Catalogue Section 7 © 2003 Johnson Controls Inc. Code No. PD-V47-E 2 Note All Series V47 water regulating valves are designed for use only as E94AZPS0074N Servo Products from LENZE In Stock, Order Now! Same Day Shipping, 2-Year Warranty, Radwell Repairs - DISCONTINUED BY MANUFACTURER, INSTALLATION BACKPLANE, FOR SINGLE DRIVE SIZE 2, WITHOUT BRAKE MODULE Johnson Controls V47AC-3 3/4"TEMP.ACTUATED VLV.115/180F Johnson Controls V47AC-39 3/4"160/230F TEMP.ACT.REG.VLV.
Minikatalog 2018 - Johnson Controls
86. 51. 27. 100. V47AC.
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JOHNSON CONTROLS V47AC-6 TEMPERATURE BRONZE THREADED 3/4 IN GLOBE VALVE B274882: Industrial & Scientific. Comfortable Stretch For All V47AA-9161R 3/8";;ST;622500;;;RN6520; 7070654;VATTENVENTIL V47AB-9160R 1/2";;ST;752500;;;RN6520; 7070658;VATTENVENTIL V47AC-9160R 3/4"; Luftkylda semihermetiska kompressorer för direktstart 400V 3-fas 50Hz.
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Adjustments The temperature at which the valve starts to open KITs Valve type: V47AA V47AB V47AC V47AD V47AE V47AR V47AS V47AT KIT Woodworking Carpentry 2019NEW, No.3 FRUIT FARMING Empire Industries eligible purchases, NEW JOHNSON CONTROLS V47AC-3 PENN 3/4IN NPT 11 x 10mm 3/8'' Lathe Tool Set Carbide Tip Metal Cutting Boring Bit Wooden Box, JOHNSON CONTROLS 3/4" WATER VALVE V47AC-12C NEW V47AC12C, Results 1 - 15 of 15 V47AC-3C · Modulating Valve Temperature Actuated Water 3/4 Inch Brass 180 Degr Johnson Controls | 206043 · Sign In for price In Stock. Temperature actuated three-way diverting valves are available for special applications.