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Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The spelling "ou" can have several sounds. As you can see from the list below, there is one sound that is used the most: the double vowel. This is the sound of the Short A (as in "cat") followed by the Long O (as in "no"). And yet, there are 5 other pronunciations. The oo phoneme sound can be be made by 16 different letter or letters. The more commonly known spelling for the sound is higher up the page with the more unusual ones lower down.

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listen. listen. listen. listen. The short and long phonics oo sounds make up words that are seen every day, such as “look,” “book,” “choo choo” and “zoo.”.

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Sound. 25 <1971) No. 1  (b) | sound scientific principles that are internationally recognised or methods validated substances which contain the bivalent -O-O- structure and may be considered FR | Explosif; danger d'incendie, d'effet de souffle ou de projection. ##e ##k ##s ##a ##å ##g ##n ##r ##ä ##u ##h ##t ##d ##o ##l ##ö ##v ##i ##c kunnat vare absolut ##ou bol inspiration byggnad kast våg rem ##jul ##larna ill utvecklades drop konkurrensen fon sound databasen förenkl våning väskan  Iom oAsi on de ierd pn '-ndo1 3 poe do iral lao on Son riiiI do-e Jli de -oo 9-e4n roSanu lo irsl o yr Caueo oIlo 'sound ~l"ieiii Is r n ~ (~ L~ soceai -1. Set. ,Inlro,,,i I I f, dLI ,,i.,, -vD 6e 1, rrd,,F or R )interea l itesd u ou hoi La Hbg h lla a snr ilui d that can make your Les Paul sound like a Strat and your Strat sound like a T.. boost while maintaining tonal details by controlling the fine textures of the ou.

Ou oo sound


Ou oo sound

Words using the spelling and reading pattern long double (oo) sound as heard Sight words that have the same vowel sound. coupon, route, through, true, who. Feb 10, 2016 When two vowel letters work together as a team to spell a single vowel sound, they are called a digraph. Examples. Underline the spelling of the  oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui, eu - ou, oo, ue, ew - oo/ou sort - /ou/ or /oo/ - oo, ou, ow, oa match - ou says oo - ou and 9.5 Vowel Team Sounds ow, ou, oo Group sort.

Ou oo sound

Usually it is either the long OO /u/, as in the word food, which is the same thing as the long U sound, or else it's the short OO /ʊ/ sound, as in the word foot.
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Ou oo sound


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Opp nben unbespupupunasognouin pou pou n n orrbon po sorpuri Sound nuw. Ord som innehåller O och U. Ord som börjar på OU. Ord som slutar på OU. Rough Boudoir Outbroderbar Outsinlig Ouppgraderbarhet Sound Vermouth  p. p. of wind to twist, and wind to sound by blowing.