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Lund Skåne. Marketing Intelligence to develop business for PolyPeptide, Malmö Witzenmann Opava, Spol. S R.O.. Nakladni 2855/7 Cz-746 01 Opava. UTLANDET Westpomon Jobs. Nederhögen 765. 84595 RÄTAN.
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Witzenmann erbjuder det globalt bredaste utbudet av metallslangar, kompensatorer, metallbälgar, rörhållare och fordonsdelar. Utöver våra standardserier utvecklar och producerar vi skräddarsydda lösningar för de mest skilda industrier och tillämpningar, från individuell tillverkning till långa serier. Witzenmann offers the most extensive product range of flexible metal hoses, expansion joints, metal bellows, pipe supports and automotive components in the world. In addition to our standard model ranges, we develop and manufacture solutions tailored to the individual requirements of many different sectors and applications, from piece production through to mass production. Witzenmann bietet weltweit die breiteste Produktpalette an Metallschläuchen, Kompensatoren, Metallbälgen, Rohrhalterungen und Fahrzeugteilen.
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In 1885, in a small German town called Pforzheim, Mr. Heinrich Witzenmann invented the metal hose for the jewelry industry. The next generations of the family would discover new applications associated with metal engineering and flexibility. Today, in the 21st century, the Witzenmann Group has 24 subsidiaries in 19 countries. The Witzenmann Group is looking for highly motivated, effective people who are committed to the success of their own areas Contact.
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