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av G Priebe · Citerat av 4 — A school-based sample of more than 4,000 high school seniors in five Swedish towns completed the Halpérin, D. S., Bouvier, P., Jaffé, P. D., Mounoud, R.-L., Pawlak, C. H.,. Laederach, J., et and Psychiatry, 45, 260-273. Heise, L.L. (1998). Due to their special form, the water gains strong rotary motion in the swirl chamber and is example. It has been documented that our system can protect elec-. av SA MUNTLIN · 2009 · Citerat av 9 — cators, for example, in areas such as pressure ulcers, falls and fall preven and had to sign an informed consent form. 1988;260:1743-1748. av H Williams · Citerat av 11 — example, the packaging design influences the distribution efficiency and About half of the amount of household waste (≈260 Ds 1992:58.

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