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Approximately 10 days prior to ovulation, females express orange or yellow throat coloration (heritabil-ity ¼ 0.48; Sinervo et Presentation “EmPaci-hankkeen OSBU-työpaja” at a Train the Trainer -event by EmPaci at LAB University of Applied Sciences 18.2.2020, Lahti. City of Lahti 2019. An internal survey: ”Osallisuustyön nykytila-arvio”. Not published, available at the City of Lahti. Lehtonen, P. Jäntti, A. Sinervo, L-M & Kurkela, K. 2020. Sinervo Lab Graphic. Lab Assistant.

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Sinervo lab

Accreditation of medical laboratories began in many European countries about 20-25 years ago, whilst some are still in the process of starting medical laboratory accreditation. Hitta information om Sinervo & Co AB. Företaget gick med vinst år 2020, omsättning 656 tkr.

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LaDage, L. D., Roth, T. C., Cerjanic, A. C., Sinervo, B., Pravosudov, V. V. Spatial memory: Are lizards really deficient. Biol. Lett.
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Spatial scale and temporal component of selection in side-blotched lizards · Erik Svensson & B Sinervo, 2004, In: American Naturalist. 163, 5, p. 726-734.