Christer Strömholm Artnet Page 10
Christer Strömholm, "Gina, Place Blanche, Paris 1963
He is known for his intimate black and white street photography portrait series. He was a member of Otto Steinert's Fotoform group of photographers. He is particularly famous for his depictions of transsexuals in the Place Blanche area of 1950's Paris, published as Les amies de Gina & Nana, Place Blanche 1963 (Dewi Lewis) Even in 1983 when it was first published, the Swedish photographer Christer Strömholm wrote in the foreword of the book that made his name: "These Christer Strömholm (1918-2002) 2 vintage prints of the series of transsexuals of the Place Blanche in Paris early 60s. Size:18 x 18 cm, mat: 36 x 40 cm One of them has a stamp on the back - It is in very good condition; the second print is not annotated on the back, but it comes from the same series of the Place Christer Strömholm, Les Amies de Place Blanche @ICP By Loring Knoblauch / In Museums / July 17, 2012 JTF (just the facts): A total of 26 black and white photographs, framed in black and matted, and hung against grey walls in a single room gallery space on the lower level of the museum. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Christer Stromholm - Les Amies De Place Blanche at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Christer Strömholm.
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Christer Strömholm, född 22 juli 1918 i Vaxholm, död 11 januari 2002 i Stockholm, var en svensk fotograf och pedagog. Han mottog Hasselbladpriset 1997. [ 1 ] Han är främst känd för sina intima svartvita porträtt och sina gatufotografier . CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM 1918-2002 Nana - Place Blanche, Paris 1960 Signerad på baksidan CHR samt med tumavtryck.
This friendship started here, in the early 60s and it has been going on for 22 years.' - Christer Stromholm, 1983 The book includes the original essays by Stromholm and publisher Johan Ehrenberg as well as newly commissioned texts by Jackie and Nana, two of the women who feature in many photographs in the book.
5 works from Vännerna från Place Blanche - Artnet
Annars ger Christer Strömholm ett ganska tungt avtryck. Senare kom boken "Vännerna från Place Blanche" med bilder på transpersoner i Paris.
Strömholm på festivalen - Landskrona Direkt
Christer Strömholm. 2.8K likes. Christer Strömholm Fan page. 1918 - 2002. R.I.P.
The hardcover compiles intimate portraits of the transsexual community that surrounded Pigalle Square in a tribute to an era both gritty and glamorous. Originally published in 1983, Les Amies de Place Blanche focuses on the transsexual community living around the Place Blanche district of Paris in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
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Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra Object description. CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM 1918-2002.
Strömholm’s photographs from the early-1950s are stark black-and-white compositions of wall
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Christer Stromholm - Les Amies De Place Blanche at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Christer Strömholm. 2.8K likes.
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Books - Christer Strömholm
Upplagd av LOLivia kl. 00:43 · Skicka med e-postBlogThis!Dela på TwitterDela på FacebookDela på Pinterest Framförallt var det genom umgänget med vännerna på Place Blanche i Paris, de franska transvestiterna, som spärrarna släppte och han lärde 1967 i Strömholms första fotobok, den legendariska ”Poste Restante”. 1958 lärde Christer känna de transsexuella kring Place Blanche i Paris. Under tio år. View sold price and similar items: Christer Strömholm Vännerna Från Place Blanche from LP Foto Auktioner on Invalid date CET. Strömholm, Christer.